Register on our website to be able to download files . This action is necessary because we have some VIP modes set for you for FREE and in this way we can fight their deletion.

By registering you will be able to download files, you will be able to participate in discussions and of course you can talk with your friends and much more.
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DeepHub Rullz
General rules
  • The username must not contain offensive words. It is mandatory to differentiate it from the name of the moderation team.
  • Names consisting only of characters or symbols are not allowed. At least 3 consecutive letters in the name are mandatory.
  • Pornographic images in the avatar, signature or posts are prohibited. Images depicting acts of cruelty or containing obscene signs are also prohibited.
  • The signature must contain a maximum of one displayed picture and it is forbidden to attach video clips.
  • Users who will be detected with more than one account on the forum risk receiving a ban on their IP/MAC address
  • The use of words that can be considered offensive in the "Profile Feed" is prohibited.
  • It is prohibited to use private messaging, use social media, or use chat/microphone on servers to offend community members due to personal issues.

Post topics on the forum
  • Use the "Search" function (if you have access) before opening a Topic on the Forum to avoid discussing similar things in several Topics.
  • We recommend that you attach a suggestive title to the Subject. If you have a signature problem on the forum, title the topic: "Account signature problem".
  • Do not make posts that reproduce irrelevant information and aim to avoid the main topic.
  • Avoid making off-topic posts just to demonstrate your activity on the forum.
  • Off-topic is a post that is not related to the main topic. Avoid going off-topic, regardless of the section where you post.
  • Avoid excessively posting unnecessary messages/texts or similar topics in certain subforums.
  • Do not make posts just for the number, making copy-pastes from other sites. If you really want to help, change the content (conjunctions, certain word constructions, etc.) and specify the source. The content must be different from the original site where you take the text from.
  • We do not accept links in topic titles.
  • We do not accept the posting of topics that show prices for VIPs, PRIVATE ACCESS, etc.

Vocabulary used on the forum
  • The attack directed at other people or the insults reproduced in writing will be rewarded with Warn (Prohibition depending on "reply" on the account for 2-3 weeks) or IP address ban.
  • The following are prohibited: vulgar language, which incites quarrel or hatred, defamatory or disturbing words, personal attack, etc.
  • The following are prohibited: bullying (hostile behavior, humiliation, exclusion, ridicule)
  • The following are prohibited: discrimination based on sex, race, etc.
  • It is prohibited: abusing REPLY messages (sending more than 2 consecutive messages) that gives the impression of SPAM.
  • Inciting verbal violence to registered members, regardless of whether they are of another nationality, will be sanctioned with temporary suspension of the account.
  • Hunting posts on the forum at any cost is sanctioned depending on the situation.
  • Posts that contain simplistic texts, general answers, oriented only to get +1 on the forum will be sanctioned. Examples: "Hello!", "Beautiful!", "Good job!".

Complaints from forum users
  • User complaints will be made in the "Personal complaints" section.
  • To report inappropriate posts, confidently use the "REPORT" function, placed under the users' photo.

Multiple posting
  • Successive posting of messages in the same subject will be sanctioned.
  • Multiple posting in the same topic twice or more is allowed, if 36 hours have passed since the last message and if the post is not edited in the administrative area and/or is not a Post Model.
  • We recommend using the EDIT function.
  • If you edit a topic, check "Show that the message has been edited" and enter the reason (Reason for edit). It is forbidden to make multiple posts to announce the update of a topic.

HTML codes / Text color / Emoticons
  • The excessive application of facial representations (emoticons), particular text colors or HTML type BB functions is prohibited.
  • Your posts are not works of art. Avoid dressing them in the same colors and Spoilers.
  • We recommend applying color to the text when you want to highlight certain fragments of your sentences.

Piracy and copyright
  • The opening of topics that promote piracy or encourage the download of illegal software applications is prohibited.
  • The following actions are strictly prohibited:
  • Instructions, discussions or addresses on how to run a pirated program or crack.exe application.
  • Requesting or publishing KEY types or crack.exe versions for desired programs.
  • Requesting or publishing DLCs, .torrent file sources.
  • We respect the copyright of content creators. If you think that your work has been reproduced in the fairside community, write a message to send to the administrators.

Advertising & Spam
  • The accounts of users who advertise on various types of web pages are permanently suspended.
  • Posts, avatars and signatures are not exempt from the rule of banning advertising.
  • Example: Go to

    [To see links please register here]

    . It's the coolest gaming community online!
  • Specifying pages for information purposes is not considered advertising.
  • Example: A user wants to buy a game on Steam and wants recommendations from other community members.
  • Web addresses that redirect users to private pages are prohibited and punishable by temporary or permanent suspension.
  • Web pages of the type: "Here you can win a Galaxy S6" or "survey" type are prohibited.

User reporting
  • Use the reporting function in case the community rules are violated
  • If you think you have received a Warn without reason, post to the "Forum Support" section and contact one of the Super-Moderators.

Rules of particular sections
  • The private sections refer to the server forum in the community, respectively the areas where local rules are made.
  • Private sections of game servers will only be moderated by the right holders - not by Super-Moderators / Moderators.
  • Some sections of the forum are governed separately by local rules.
  • Most of the rules in the general regulation on the forum apply to the entire forum (Including the server categories).

General information
  • We don't accept excuses like: "I didn't see where the regulation is placed / I didn't know rule number x".
  • Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
  • User registration on the forum represents your agreement to comply with the regulations.
  • Violation of the regulation is sanctioned depending on the level of mistakes made on the forum and taking into account the Warnings received previously.
  • The request to promote access to the forum is prohibited. The administrative team will choose users who have the necessary skills for more advanced access.
  • In conflict situations between users, the management of this web page has the last word.
  • In circumstances not foreseen by the regulation, the administrative team will make the final decisions.
  • Sanctions are applied depending on the intensity of the mistakes committed.

Violation of the internal regulation may lead to the temporary or permanent suspension of the held account.
The administration reserves the right to modify the services offered at any time, as long as the users do not meet the requirements.

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